I found a picture hugging my great grandmother (she was a centenarian, 102 yo), and another picture where she was holding me when I was a newborn. I always have these bittersweet memories whenever I go through photo albums. Here is my ask for you. Drop whatever you are doing right now, check in on 1 person that you have not spoken to in a while. Tell them you care about them, you love them.

Here are 1 idea from me, 1 learning from others, and 1 question for you to ponder this week.
1 Idea from Me
I wrote a letter to my younger self this week. If you want to transform your life, learn to be thankful of your old identity, let go and develop a new one.

1 Learning from Others
Empathy vs. Projection
If we approach others and think they think like us, that's not empathy, it's projection.
Chris Voss, Author of Never Split the Difference
1 Question for You to Ponder
How do you narrate your purpose in life?
I did a survey with almost 1,000 people last year. More than half of them shared they don't know what their purpose is. After struggling to answer this question myself a few years ago, I reframed Purpose and named it Transformative Purpose.
Discovering our purpose should be a daily exploratory exercise, just like how we were trying to make sense of the world when we were kids.
1. Purpose is progressive.
2. Purpose is about forward-looking incremental improvements.
3. Purpose is changing for the better.
4. Purpose focuses on a lifelong discovery journey and repetition of exploratory questions.
5. Purpose is about our self and others.
From Chapter: Transformative Purpose of Unstuck

I hope you enjoyed this week's newsletter. See you next week.
Better Together,
Aaron Pang