After becoming a dad of two children, I am convinced that women have superpower.
Without my mum, there is no me.
Without my mother-in-law, I have no wife.
Without my wife, I wouldn’t have two children.
Here are a few things that have come to my consciousness.
- Women endure 40 weeks to bear a child. During this period, some women develop back pain, they feel nauseous, experience physical changes and mood swings. Not to mention, the complications that sometimes come with pregnancy, postpartum depression.
- When women return to work, they are expected to perform 100%, work stoically while pumping milk out for their new-born in the office, caring for their children around the clock.
Thank you to the many unsung working mothers out there.
Happy International Women’s Day. ❤️

Here are 1 idea from me, 1 learning from others, and 1 question for you to ponder this week.
1 Idea from Me
Albert Einstein once said, 🚀
“Doing the same thing again and again and expect a different result is insanity.”
I want to share a simple perspective hack with you to help stop your autopilot brain. I do it often when talking to my kids, empathise what they see in their mysterious world, 🌎 and check what I might be missing.
1 Learning from Others
7% of our meaning is communicated through words. 38% is communicated through our tone of voice. 55% is communicated through non-verbal cues, body language.
Albert Mehrabian, Psychology Professor
Before your next pitch, next big presentation, remember this. You don’t need to know every single word in the dictionary to be an effective speaker, storyteller. Tell your story authentically, relive your story. You audience can feel how you feel when you talk to them with your heart, your limbic brain.

1 Question for You to Ponder
Are you trying to gain a new perspective from the same height?
"Kids often see the world in ways that we lose as a grown up. Give yourself permission to expand the range of what you think is possible. A playful, exploratory mind which thinks in creative, imaginative ways is most most of us need.
From Chapter: Transformative Purpose of Unstuck

I hope you enjoyed this week's newsletter. See you next week.
Better Together,
Aaron Pang